Adorable today.





Do you guys also take the peter-pan collar off of your baby’s outgrown clothing and sew it onto your own? I don’t know how many times I look at her clothing and thought, “Geez I wish they made things like this for adults!”. Well after taking her clothing to buy-and-sell baby clothing places, and after they only bought the boys clothes, I set the clothing in a box waiting to take it to the Salvation Army. It has been sitting in my closet taking up too much space and being forgotten every time we go to the thrift store. Looking through the clothes, I realized that much of it is stained from food and well, I will be honest, POOP STAINS. Are they going to sell these or just throw them away? Most likely throw them away. So, sad. So many cute patterns, scrumptious buttons, and….. peter-pan collars.

Honestly, why the heck not make them into bows, collect the buttons, and use the collars?! I love having cute cloth to work with!!! 🙂

(**Sorry for the blurry pictures, I guess I kept moving!)

And it is Monday… again.


Don’t get me wrong. I usually LOVE Mondays. I love going out and seeing what the other adults in the world are doing (oh and they usually aren’t covered in baby food.. did you know that?!), but for the last few months Mondays have been driving me batty. Serves me right for deciding to take three classes (which includes a three hour night class)  on Mondays.

This means I probably won’t get much done in the house cleaning area. However, I am one of those lucky girls that caught a guy who is more OCD about a clean house than I am. So the hubby will clean while I am in class, but he won’t intense clean (his mom taught him well.. DON’T ever throw away something in the house with out talking to your wife first!!). I did get the kitchen done yesterday though, woohoo! Well, almost all done. I think everyone has that one drawer in the kitchen that is just a flail pile. Dead batteries, candle wax, and the like. I still have to go through that…

I was amazed with how many liquor bottles we had, especially since we don’t even drink liquor! Even though they were cool shaped, sadly I had to part with them and put them in recycling. I mean I had really no use for them, since they had no caps.

The three year old, A.J. was very interested in what I was doing, she even asked if she could help (after putting on her home-made apron that is). But, since it was the kitchen and we don’t allow her in the kitchen, I had to say no. Hopefully she will be enthusiastic about helping me clean out the play-room and organized her clothing. Of course, that could bite me in the tookus when we make piles for keep, donate and recycle. She is probably like her mommy and will want to keep everything.