Killer Queen. Katy Perry perfume review.


I  love samples, and in fact I just got one in the mail.

Now, I am not much of a Katy Perry fan. Not my type of music (if only Motorhead would release a perfume….), but  if a perfume smells good, then I really don’t care who is behind it.

Here is what the sample came it.


Very cute packaging, This is what it looks like inside.


As you can see I have already taken one of the two samples out. Inside of the sealed pocket was a towelette soaked in the perfume. I rubbed it on my wrists, neck, and well.. boob area.  No doubt it smells good. Only a little strong, but sweet. I am not the best as describing scents, but it smells ‘heavy’ to me.

On the back of the sample package is listed prices of the various perfumes.

  • 3.4 fl oz – $59
  • 1.7 fl oz – $49
  • 1.0 fl oz – $39
  • For “Royal Body Lotion” 6.7 fl oz – $25

I also checked out Walmarts online site and they are listing it for about $10 dollars more than the prices listed on the sample.


  1. Smells good
  2. Pretty packaging
  3. Stays on for a long time


  1. Very strong
  2. Almost “old lady” smelling
  3. Made me a bit dizzy after a while

Altogether is seems like a nice perfume, but for me personally it is a bit too expensive and strong. So, it is a no go for me.

(**If you would like to get a sample, check out the Facebook page for it and they will mail you a free sample!)